The future looks bright for Radley Private School young entrepreneur

Radley Private School is an entrepreneurial school and has been given the tools to help Emma le Roux as an entrepreneur.

Radley Private School Grade 6 learner Emma le Roux (12) established her own cosmetics business called ‘Humming Bird Vintage Cosmetics’.

Her products consist of bath salts, body scrubs and body butters – all organic and made from scratch. “My cosmetics are made from organic products, which have been sourced from companies that have the best interest of the environment at heart, and do not destroy or harm the environment.”

“My current range includes bath salts, body scrubs, and body butters. I will be increasing my range to include cleansers, toners and moisturisers in the near future.”

According to Emma, she chose the name Humming Bird Vintage Cosmetics because her Scout name is Humming Bird and vintage cosmetics because her cosmetics are handmade, using age-old vintage processes.

Humming Bird Vintage Cosmetics products.

Emma did an online course to learn all about creating these products and from there she started the process of making and selling. “I make all my cosmetics myself, and with lots of love. The herbs, flowers and leaves come from plants grown in our garden.”

The 12-year-old has secured a contract to sell her cosmetics in a beauty salon and has made many sales since starting her business during the December holidays.

She said that her mother has helped her set up the business and has encouraged her all the way. “She paid for my online course so that I have the knowledge I need to make the best possible cosmetics.

Humming Bird Vintage Cosmetics products are handmade.

“I enjoy creating different blends of oils and making body butters. I have watched my mother make her own body butters and have enjoyed learning from her.”

Emma is a lover of animals and has adopted three pets of her own. “My dream is to become a vet and my passion is Scouting, drawing, creating cards and making cosmetics. I love cosmetics and the way they smell and make you feel.”

She added that her objective to sell cosmetics and donate 10% of the profit to Saint’s Animal Charity and the rest will go into a special savings account to fund her studies.

For more information and to request Emma’s product list with pricing, email

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