Miracle Mission Children’s Home in Kensington B receives Randburg Bowls Club donation

The food, nappies and other essentials will go a long way to helping the 12 babies cared for there.

A donation of food, nappies, dishwashing liquid, a mop and other essential items was handed over to Miracle Mission Children’s Home by Randburg Bowls Club.

The home for abandoned babies and children in Kensington B was in sore need of these items before the bowls club picked them out as beneficiaries for their Christmas function and collection of items.

“This donation is greatly appreciated,” said the home’s director, Glynis Sack.

The babies and their carers appreciate the donation.

“We have been overwhelmed by the response. It was a beautiful surprise when [Dee Blankfield] phoned us, and it sounds like they had as much joy collecting the donations as we did receiving them.”

Bowls club committee member, Blankfield agreed this was the case.

“I researched the group and saw the good they were doing so it was an obvious choice to help,” she said.

“We collected all of this in 10 days.”

The home caters to 12 babies at the moment.

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