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Thieves pounce on open electricity boxes

Criminals waste no time; stealing fuses from the mini substation on Kareeboom Street on October 5 and October 8.

Sundowner residents went hours without electricity as fuses were stolen from the mini substations on Kareeboom Street on October 5 and October 8.

According to Sundowner resident David Strachan on October 5 the electricity in the area went off at 05:30 and returned at 15:30 after City Power contractors came at 15:00 to investigate. They discovered the fuses from the mini substation were stolen. The contractors had told Strachan the theft of fuses was an ongoing problem.

One of the many unlocked electric distribution boxes in Sundowner. Photo: Lonwabo Sangqu

After replacing the fuses, the contractors left the gate for the mini substation unlocked.

“On October 8 at 08:00 our lights went out again and I went to check the mini substation. Sure enough, it was standing open and most of the fuses had been stolen again,” said Strachan.

Again, City Power contractors replaced the fuses and left the gate for the mini substation unlocked. The lack of locks securing electricity supply boxes has been a problem the community has faced for two years as many of the boxes in Sundowner have no locks.

Sundowner resident David Strachan stands next to one of many unlocked electric distribution boxes. Photo: Lonwabo Sangqu

Isaac Mangena of City Power’s Relationship Management Department explained, “The issue of theft and vandalism has become a serious issue. As City Power, we are continuing with strategies to strengthen our efforts in safeguarding the City’s electrical infrastructure. We are embarking on improving technology that will be rolled out soon. We will continue creating greater cooperation and partnerships with communities, Community Policing Forums and business forums.”

This electricity distribution box has a lock, but the other end is wide open. Photo: Lonwabo Sangqu

Mangena said there was a greater collaboration with the Essential Infrastructure Task Teams established under SAPS and it was bearing fruits. City Power called on various communities to continue protecting the network supplying their areas as part of their collaborative efforts.

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