Boskop Primary School dress up for Heritage Day

An admirable day was had by learners and staff members as they learn more about South Africa’s great heritage.

The learners and staff from Boskop Primary School dressed up in their unique cultural garments on September 23 in honour of Heritage Day which is celebrated annually on September 24.

Lethabo Moapo, Prince Ogbobbe, and Ofentse Mokwatsi. Photo: Lonwabo Sangqu
Lunika Baloyi. Photo: Lonwabo Sanqu

The day recognizes the diversity of cultures, values, and traditions that exist among all South Africans while acknowledging and embracing the nation’s cultural wealth.

Amani Matjila, Hinal Govender, and Paris Bramdav. Photo: Lonwabo Sangqu
Eden Selapa and Babalwa Baloyi. Photo: Lonwabo Sangqu

All dressed up in their different cultural wear, the learners and staff members brought the school to life with their vibrant attire.

Mogau Kekana, Ariyana Ramnarain, and Akani Chuke. Photo: Lonwabo Sangqu
Nhlakanipho Nakumba, Makhadzi Maligana, and Andile Rampersad. Photo: Lonwabo Sangqu

Heritage Day is the day, set aside for South Africans to come together to celebrate the country’s history and come together and honour our cultural diversity.

Shakeera Abraham, Stephane Kameni, and Glory Johnson. Photo: Lonwabo Sangqu

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What does Heritage Day mean to you?

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