Linden SAPS fallen heroes remembered

The Pinnacle College Linden school honor the SAPS fallen heroes with roses.

The Pinnacle College Linden donated flowers to the Linden SAPS remembrance garden in anticipation of the annual Gauteng Provincial Commemoration Day which will take place next month where the memorial wall for the province is situated.

As a formal SAPS memorial parade, the names of the fallen will be inscribed on the wall in the Garden of Remembrance which is located at the Linden SAPS.

The Pinnacle College Linden learners donate roses to the Linden SAPS garden.

Furthermore, the donation is a token of respect to those who have paid the ultimate price and a symbolic gesture in establishing a solid bond between the schools and youth in the precinct and Linden SAPS.

“The rose planting was symbolic to indicate both their connections to the station and the CPF by setting down roots but also a sign of respect for those who have departed,” said the Linden CPF chairperson Annelize Tichauer.

She added that the youth in the precinct are the leaders of tomorrow and it’s a better place to start fostering a connected and responsible community-conscious society in preparation for the event the Linden SAPS staff and management have embarked on a programme to neaten and tidy up the station.

“It’s all about switching on more of our youth toward a connected and community-continuous society and seeing them open up to new perspectives that they might have never realised is encouraging.”

The school is doing its bit to make Linden SAPS a more inviting place for our community to visit.

This time of year, when everyone is busy sprucing up and replanting in their gardens, rather bring excess plants to the station to be planted instead of taking them to the dump.

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