Enormous tree stump in Blairgowrie finally removed

The tree stump restricted visibility on Mackay Avenue.

A large tree stump in Blairgowrie that had been described as a danger to motorists and pedestrians, has been removed.

The stump on the pavement of Mackay Avenue had blocked the view of the road for weeks before escalations from Ward 99 and 102 councillors Nicole van Dyk and David Potter respectively to City Parks finally paid off.

The tree stump is taken away.

“We had been pushing this for a long time as the intersection further up the road is already dangerous, and then you had this blocking the view,” Van Dyk said.

“Now pedestrians will not have to step into the road and motorists will be able to see better.”

The tree stump blocked the view of the road before it was removed.

City Parks spokesperson Jenny Moodley said the department had a standard 14-day turnaround process to remove stumps and fallen branches.

She said this particular stump was impacting the aesthetics of the area and a meeting was arranged to attend to the removal as a matter of urgency before it was done.

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