Trinityhouse Randpark Ridge hosts a camp to cultivate their future leaders

Learners from Trinityhouse Randpark Ridge trek on a camp targeted at developing beneficial life skills in preparation for their leadership roles later this year.

The Grade 11 learners from Trinityhouse Randpark Ridge left for their annual camping trip to Meulstroom camp in Bronkhorst Spruit on July 29.

Trinityhouse Randpark Ridge deputy principal Kate Poole said they were excited to host a leadership camp following the two-year setback due to the pandemic.
She said their aim for the learners was to gain valuable experience in the development of their communication, leadership, and management skills. “In addition, the students are exposed to group bonding, goal setting and teamwork.
“These skills will be invaluable as the Grade 11 students take up the reigns of the leadership of Trinityhouse later this year.”

Grade 11 learner Saskia Burger said the camp was beyond her expectations. “It opened my eyes to the fact that being a leader goes beyond leading. It encompasses being part of a team and knowing when to step back, and allowing others to step forward with their strengths and skills to learn from them and one day turns to teach others.”

Amy Govender said leadership camp was an incredible adventure! She added that camp was a breath of fresh air and was a chance for them to unite as a grade and to realise they were capable of leading. “To say we almost burst with excitement is an understatement!
“Leadership camp was an opportunity to grow and develop aspects in my life such as communication skills with the meaningful words we shared with one another at the lunch and dinner table.”

The Grade 11 learners participate in several activities in the leadership camp. Photo: Supplied

Maxine-Anne Smuts added, “When I say that the Grade 11 camp was life-changing, I mean it in every sense of the word. Yes, it sounds cliché, but the camp was the most unexplainable, incredible experience I’ve had for a really long time.”

She said the walls that segregated them [Grade 11s] crumbled as they discovered each other’s stories. She added she had never felt so loved and appreciated by those around her.

The Grade 11 learners say the activities unified them as a grade. Photo: Supplied

“The two years of not having a grade camp was really a sad thing for me and this year’s leadership camp made me realise how much I cherish all the special moments with my grade,” said Erin Jacobs.

She said the memories and laughs they had during the day were unforgettable.

“As soon as 11:00 came on Sunday, I felt a sense of sadness as the camp had come to an end – although I left happily knowing more about each individual in my grade and realised how a few days can result in a huge change.”

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