Curro Aurora makes collages and collects food for the needy for Mandela Day

A whopping 600 jars of soup ingredients were collected for the less-fortunate.

Curro Aurora Preschool and Primary School staff celebrated the life and legacy of the great Nelson Mandela by making beautiful collages and artworks, and collecting jars of hope on Mandela Day.

Collages, artworks and jars of hope are the order of the day. Photo: Supplied

“Not only did our school celebrate Mandela Day, they used this as an opportunity to enjoy a Mandela Day team build,” said the school’s marketing coordinator, Mageshree Tandree.

Secret Ndlovu and Celia Stander make their collage colourful. Photo: Supplied

“The focus on the project was to emphasise that we are a unique part of the bigger picture and when we pull all our qualities together, a beautiful picture comes together. It was an amazing time together, bonding with team members and getting on enjoying some creative times.”

Jamal and Hakeem Dube show off one of the collages for Mandela Day. Photo: Supplied

Tandree said Mandela’s message of bravery, strength, equality, courage, selflessness and freedom would forever be instilled in the hearts of people at the school.

A whopping 600 jars of hope were also collected for Mandela Day. Photo: Supplied

The preschool and primary school in collaboration with parents collected 600 jars of hope for the less fortunate.

The jars contain soup ingredients and can provide a warm meal to a whole family.

Ashleigh Mcrae and Chantal Matthews work on a collage. Photo: Supplied

“Thank you to all our Curro Aurora families who donated a jar of hope for those less fortunate – though small, your contribution is bountiful,” Tandree added.

Curro Aurora made a number of collages like this one for Mandela Day. Photo: Supplied

She concluded with the words of Nelson Mandela, “What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the lives we lead.”


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