Ward councillor asks for donations for a brush cutter

OLIVEDALE – Much of the City's budget is allocated for areas with greater need, and there is little left to address service delivery in the local Ward.

So much overgrown grass and bushes in North Riding, Olivedale, Sharonlea and surrounds has forced the ward councillor to take matters into his own hands.

Ward 101 councillor Ralf Bittkau said much of the City’s budget was allocated for areas with greater needs, and there was little left to address service delivery in his ward.

“I am looking for donations to purchase a brush cutter that will be owned by the ward and used to cut grass on our verges and pavements,” he said.

“At the moment, everything is so overgrown our roads are becoming narrower as the grass gets longer and gets into the street. When I was PR councillor for Ward 98 we got a brush cutter and five years later it is still working well there.”

According to Bittkau, about R8 000 will be needed to buy the equipment, petrol and pay for labour to get started and trim grass on the major roads in the ward.

If residents wish to contact Bittkau regarding this and other issues in the ward, they can send him a WhatsApp message on 084 572 4002.

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