
Honeydew police, CPF and Sundowner Residents Association team up

SUNDOWNER – House robberies and break-ins were the focus because they have been prevalent in Sundowner recently.

Members of Honeydew police, Community Policing Forum (CPF) and Sundowner Residents Association recently teamed up for a visible policing operation.

Members handed out flyers containing safety information at the entrances to the Sundowner suburb.

A police officer hands out public safety flyers in Sundowner. Photo: Supplied

“Focus was put on house robberies and break-ins which has effected the greater area as of late,” said CPF public relations officer, Michael Steyn.

Police, CPF and Sundowner Residents Association members hand out safety flyers. Photo: Supplied55

“We want to remind residents to be vigilant when travelling and be aware of your surroundings. Always ensure that your doors are locked.”

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