Well wishes from Douglasdale police

DOUGLASDALE – Douglasdale police have reminded members of the public to continue practises of social distancing when going out as told by station commander, Brigadier Veeshani Arikum.

As the year draws to a close, Douglasdale Police Station sent its seasons greetings to the community.
Station Commander Brigadier Veeshani Arikum acknowledged the year’s difficulties with the station battling with many Covid-19 cases, and gave thanks to everyone for their efforts throughout the year.

“[This year] has been a very difficult year in comparison to 2020, we have lost many colleagues, friends and family members during this year due to Covid-19.

“I would like to take each and every member at my station, from the cleaner right up to my Colonels, my success as a station commander can only be possible due to the time, commitment and dedication of each and every member,” she said.
She added there were some members in the community who needed to be acknowledged for their work in the community.

“Charmaine [McGinley] from Daily Bread, this lady is really a pillar of strength to many needy people. She is a humble human,who works in the background, not looking for any recognition. May she and her organisation be greatly blessed in the years to come.
She urged residents to be vigilant during this period. “Be wary of our surroundings. Don’t leave empty electronic goods boxes in the open. Ensure that at least one light is left on while on holiday.

“Ask neighbours or family members to check on the premises when away for long periods. May you have a safe festive season.”

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