Randburg CPF thanks residents for making the community safe

KENSINGTON B - The focus of the CPF has been to understand crime statistics in suburbs and build a model to understand trends.

The Randburg Community Policing Forum (CPF) executive committee has thanked its residents and supporters for all their interest and help this year.

They write:

A special shout-out to Randburg Police Station Commander Brigadier Michelle Jones and her team for their ongoing interest and support. The year 2021 was not without its challenges for everyone but we worked together and were able to keep the CPF moving forward in all our sectors.

Our focus has been on understanding crime statistics in our suburbs and building a model to understand trends. This will put us in a solid position to implement proactive crime prevention measures.

This is a work in progress and we will continue this initiative in 2022. Membership growth is another challenge in Randburg which will be addressed in the new year.

So lots of work on our collective plates. We wish everyone a safe holiday season, keeping in mind the many crime prevention tips provided this year. We look forward to an even safer 2022 with everyone’s help and support.

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