Principal wishes entrepreneur learners well over festive season

FERNDALE – This year Radley Private School launched a new mind-development programme called BrainGym and has seen great results.

Radley Private School’s primary school principal, Charné De Gouveia writes:

What an incredible year it has been. A year of growth, change and better offerings.

Our new and improved entrepreneurship programme has been highly successful and the entrepreneurial mindset is clearly evident within our entrepreneurs.

As an entrepreneurial school, we believe that the younger a child is exposed to entrepreneurship, the more likely he or she is to assimilate these business ideas and concepts.

Living in a world where finding a job is becoming harder and harder, we teach our learners the skills they need to become job creators.

This year, we renovated our school to create more classrooms. We also added exciting new extramural activities including e-sports, crochet, tennis, athletics, girl’s club, journalism and ball sports.

Our art expo and auction proved to be a big hit and will become an annual event. Our entrepreneurs learned the importance of being kind to one another with our newly introduced anti-bullying campaign.

We introduced a new mind-development programme called BrainGym and have seen pleasing results and progress in our learners.

We were also extremely proud of three of our entrepreneurs who will represent Radley as judges in the national Engen Pitch and Polish competition.

We are so excited to see what 2022 holds. I would like to thank all the parents, guardians, staff and entrepreneurs for a very successful year.

Rest well this festive season, cherish the time spent with loved ones and may the start of the new year be a spectacular one.

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