
Smash and grabs highlighted at offramp

RANDPARK RIDGE – Motorists are reminded to do what they can to stay safe after smash and grabs near the N1 offramp.

After recent complaints about smash and grabs at the N1 South/Beyers Naudé Drive offramp, Honeydew Community Policing Forum patrollers and Honeydew police members decided to do a high visibility operation there.

Community Policing Forum members raise crime awareness at the N1 offramp to Beyers Naudé Drive where smash and grabs have taken place. Photo: Supplied

They took the time to speak to commuters to remind them to be vigilant at all times.

Members of the community were reminded to not keep valuables on their seats where they were visible to criminals.

Community members are reminded to be vigilant at all times. Photo: Supplied

If anyone wants to join the forum or volunteer as a patroller, contact Jon Rosenberg on 082 450 2305.

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