Cosmo City to get its own police station

HONEYDEW – Cosmo City will soon have its very own dedicated police station.

Honeydew police are proud to announce that Cosmo City will soon have its very own dedicated police station.

Honeydew police spokesperson Captain Balan Muthan said the station was due to open on 1 April and would comprise staff sourced from Honeydew Police Station.

Acting station management would also be put in place until permanent staff of about 70 police members could be sourced.
He added that crime in the Cosmo City area was on the increase especially house and business robberies and break-ins.
“Once the station is opened, we aim to see a drastic reduction of crime and a focus on the issues that severely affect the Cosmo City area. This will alleviate crime affecting the Honeydew policing area and provide some relief for our officers who currently have to police both large areas,” said Muthan.

Plans for a dedicated Cosmo City Police Station have been in the pipeline since 2011, added Muthan.
“As a station, we are delighted at this news as it will only see further support in the fight against crime in an area that needs more of it.”

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