Alleged illegally connected Kya Sand electricity cable removed

KYA SAND – Alleged illegally connected cabling on Orleans Road leading to the Kya Sand informal settlement was removed on 15 February.

No less than 800m of professionally, yet alleged illegally connected, high-density cabling was removed after it was connected to a municipal transformer box on Orleans Road during the night of 15 February.

The cable ran from Orleans Road’s nearby street transformer box to somewhere inside the Kya Sand informal settlement.

800m of high-density electrical cable was recovered and awaits police collection. Photo: Reuven Blignault

Technology company Directech’s Marius Grobler said that a staff member informed him of the cable that had been connected and decided to take action.

“We are paying thousands of rands collectively as business owners in the area for private security to guard the area when thieves can steal electricity so easily like this. The issue of cable theft is not uncommon in this area, and the transformer box is still open and unlocked,” said Grobler.

Marius Grobler takes a look inside the still open and unlocked transformer box on Orleans Road. Photo: Reuven Blignault

At their effort, Directech removed the illegally connected cable and immediately informed the Honeydew police of the matter.

Honeydew police spokesperson Captain Balan Muthan said, “The issue of cable theft and illegal connections, especially in areas close to informal settlements, is sadly very common. Not only is it highly illegal, but it is also a very dangerous practice that leads to death or serious injury in many cases. It also puts unnecessary strain on the electric grid.

Some of the illegally connected cable is yet to be removed on Orleans Road. Photo: Reuven Blignault

“This particular case will be investigated, and we appeal to any community members who may have witnessed the perpetrators behind the illegal connection to come forward.”

The transformer box on Orleans Road where trenching can be seen after the cable was removed. Photo: Reuven Blignault

The cabling was stored at Directech’s warehouse before it was collected by the police the following day.

Details: Honeydew Police 011 801 8400

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