40 suspects arrested in four days by Honeydew police

HONEYDEW – Honeydew police conducted over 40 arrests in their policing area from 15 to 19 January.

Honeydew police conducted more than 40 arrests in their policing area from 15 to 19 January.

“We recently conducted a successful operation that saw the arrest of 11 illegal immigrants, who will be processed by the State once their cases have been concluded,” said spokesperson Captain Balan Muthan.

Some arrests included suspects who contravened the Disaster Management Act.
Crimes that continued to be a problem for the police and have seen an increase included car theft, hijacking, robberies and house robberies.

Muthan added that the special Echo Group of officers have been hard at work planning operations and bringing down the rate of trio crimes in the area.
Trio crimes include house robbery, business robbery and vehicle hijacking.

“One of the biggest issues that we have to deal in house robberies are the ‘backrooms’. This is where an individual gets an RDP house and builds multiple rooms at the back of the property for others to rent out.
“This makes things more efficient for criminals. When one property is robbed, it actually results in multiple house robbery cases at one time because of this. This is something that does not reflect well in our statistics.”

Details: Honeydew police 011 801 8400.

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