
A bumper December for Honeydew police

HONEYDEW – Honeydew police made several arrests over the festive season.

Honeydew police have reflected on a month of crime-fighting operations in their policing area during December.

Honeydew Police Station spokesperson Captain Balan Muthan said December was a successful month for them.
“A large number of suspects were arrested in the Cosmo City area for crimes ranging from drug dealing to attempted murder,” said Muthan.

Honeydew police officers book a large consignment of confiscated alcohol into evidence. Photo: Supplied

He added that the Honeydew police’s focus on cracking down on illegal liquor operations continued in full force over the festive season and several illegal liquor outlets and shebeens were raided.
“Our festive season operations aimed to crackdown on drugs, in both buying and dealing, and the possession of illegal weapons and illegal liquor outlets across the policing area to help bring down the rate of crime during the festive season.

Bottles of alcohol confiscated from illegally operating shebeens and liquor outlets in the Honeydew policing area. Photo: Supplied

“Several suspects have been arrested for selling liquor without a licence, and their trials have taken or will take place in due course.”
On 21 December, the Cosmo City satellite police station was closed temporarily due to Covid-19 contamination and was decontaminated so police could resume their operations.

Honeydew police spokesperson Captain Balan Muthan. Photo: Reuven Blignault

“We would like to congratulate our police members for making a large number of arrests during the festive season. We would also like to extend a big word of thanks to the Metro police involved in these operations, and we would like to thank our Echo Squads for their assistance that have resulted in tremendous successes.”

An unlicensed firearm and ammunition confiscated by Honeydew police. Photo: Supplied

He encouraged the community to continue to report crime to help the police’s effort in making Honeydew a safer area for all.
Details: Honeydew police 011 801 8400.

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