The past year at Acacia Schools in North Riding

NORTH RIDING – Principal of Acacia Schools Fiona Wood reflects on the past year at the school in North Riding.

Fiona Wood, principal of Acacia Schools writes:
This year has been a challenging year for everyone to say the least, but Acacia feels blessed to have met each of these challenges head on, ensuring that it has delivered the best education possible to its learners.
When our President announced that South Africa would be on Level 5 lockdown, Acacia was able to demonstrate its determination, flexibility, and endurance. Our children’s education is what mattered most to us and we swiftly moved into holding all classes online. This was done to ensure that no academic days were lost and that no child was left behind.

Indeed, Acacia’s learners did not lose a single academic day and all the children are at the required academic level. It was also during these uncertain times that Acacia’s numbers continued to grow, as many parents saw the benefits of Acacia’s facilities, which allowed for the children to practise social distancing easily and at the requests of many, Acacia even established its Pre-primary School.

Another achievement for Acacia was that the school hosted the October/November Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) at its campus for A Level, AS Level, IGCSE, and Checkpoint. Acacia was chosen as the Alternative Examination Centre to an associate school by the British Council and CIE because of Acacia’s superior science laboratory, and its exam halls could easily accommodate the 70 candidates, who took these examinations, while adhering to Covid-19 health protocols.

Next year, Acacia hopes to further develop its infrastructure and to further increase the school’s numbers to reach its capacity of 500 learners, as it has shown that it is an extremely ambitious school with high aspirations.

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