The art of mindful giving

NORTHWOLD – Loraine Ginns of Trader's Corner has a passion for the empowerment of others and entrepreneurial acumen to assist people who need it.

Loraine Ginns of Trader’s Corner has a passion for the empowerment of others and entrepreneurial acumen to assist people who need it.

Since the national lockdown, Ginns said the number of people in distress had doubled and more have become reliant on charity for some relief which means that now more than ever, it was imperative to give mindfully.

“Supplying food to families who struggle daily to survive is just one of the ways we can all help,” said Ginns.

She added that food was the most sought after resource and talked about the ways community members could contribute to those in need.

“Converting your unused items into cash goes a long way in feeding those who are losing hope. Our country is in a bad place for many right now.”

Ginns pleaded with the community to get in contact with her if they could help in any way.

“We are desperately short of children’s clothing [boys and girls – all ages], men’s clothing up to XL in size, and ladies’ dresses and skirts. “There is an over-supply of ladies’ slacks and outsize men’s clothing filling charity shops, leaving them no space to hang items with selling value. We are currently working with several charities needing donations and we are willing to collect from you in and around Randburg.”

Ginns expressed the utmost gratitude to all who have given and continue to contribute, in any form, to relief efforts with an open heart.

Details: Loraine Ginns: 079 503 0737; email:

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