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Malanshof SPAR and community donate to those in need

MALANSHOF – The Malanshof SPAR graciously donated over five trolley-full loads of essential items for the homeless.

The national lockdown to help curb the spread of the coronavirus has meant that all residents have to be confined to their homes. Many homeless people do not have this privilege, without a place to call home.

Many are unable to generate an income to buy food and have been taken in by temporary homeless shelters. To help alleviate some of the pressure put on homeless shelters, the owners of the Malanshof SPAR have so far graciously donated over five trolley-full loads of essential items for the homeless thanks to the generous donations of community members.

“With the help of our local ward councillors and community members, we knew that something needed to be done during this lockdown period for people that can’t sufficiently sustain themselves,” said the SPAR’s Gabriel Peters.

Ward 104 councillor Mike Wood and Ward 98 councillor Beverley Weweje approached the SPAR with the idea to place a trolley for donations in the front of the store as both ward councillors have homeless shelters in need in their areas, namely Fontainebleau and Windsor.

Community members who make use of the family-owned Malanshof SPAR are encouraged to place essential items like non-perishable food and toiletries during the entirety of the lockdown period.

Malanshof SPAR’s Alastair Peters said, “Once community members found out about the drive, we had donations within five minutes, and within the first day we filled two trolleys, which Mike Wood donated to the shelter in Fontainebleau.”

All along the Klein Jukskei and various other rivers in the area, there are many homeless people that the SPAR has helped to feed with donated goods from customers and hot meals provided by the SPAR.

When they saw this, the store started a feeding scheme to help feed at least 50 people per day with hot meals, and the most fed so far has been 89 people.

“We have not done this on our own. Our thanks needs to go out to the Malanshof community for their generous donations of essential items for those in need,” continued Alastair Peters.

The Peters family realised that as they were distributing the goods and food, the number of people that needed help was immense.

Gabriel Peters said, “Our customers have donated so many toiletries, sanitary packs, food items and even money contributions. We would just like to thank them for all the support, and those that we help are extremely grateful. We have only been here a year, but the love we have received from our local community has been special, and we have put measures in place during this lockdown period to ensure that our customers stay safe.”

Wood added, “As ward councillors, we would like to thank the Malanshof SPAR and the community for the immense generosity that they have shown for those in need at the homeless shelters in our areas. The country is in a desperate situation, and this problem is sometimes best solved at a community level.”

Alastair Peters concluded, “Part of the reason why we are doing this is because of our Christian faith. It is very close to our hearts and this was something that we worked into our values when we opened our store less than a year ago. The country, in general, requires help in any way possible, and we all need to stand together.”

Details: Malanshof SPAR 011 052 3756.

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