
Randburg learner responds to NECT tips

NORTH RIDING – A Grade 10 learner responds to study tips propose by the National Education Collaboration Trust

A Grade 10 leaner who lives in North Riding responded to the tips given by the National Education Collaboration Trust. Since schools have been closed since 18 March, she was able to acclimatise herself to the new schedule and reflect on ways she could impove her day-to-day routine.

Oratile Moduka was asked if she has done the following while at home as she continued with school via e-learning. The online lessons using Google Classroom have taken place every day, in accordance with her school timetable.

Do you…

  • Take responsibility for your school work?

I do – I don’t have a choice. I think school continuing has helped me a lot with that because they still hold us accountable for doing our work.

  • Hesitate to ask for help, especially now?

I always ask if I don’t understand. Throughout the year when I don’t understand something, I ask my friends via WhatsApp. I will only ask my teacher if they can’t help me.

  • Look for creative ways to study?

No, honestly I don’t! I do what I have to do to get the work done and that’s it! It’s the same as during the school year.

  • Team up with others?

Yes, when I don’t understand things. We also have a WhatsApp group for one of our subjects because a friend doesn’t have the book, so we share information and tips there.

  • Take care of yourself?

No, I really don’t! I would say I eat well because that’s what’s in the fridge but in terms of exercise, I haven’t. I don’t sleep much either because as a high school student, I’m used to getting little sleep!

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