National Homeless Network awaits response from government

JOBURG – National Homeless Network awaits a response from the government.

The National Homeless Network on 24 March asked the President to ensure that homeless people are included in the response plan dealing with Covid-19.

They were pleased that President Cyril Ramaphosa said that ‘temporary shelters that meet the necessary hygiene standards will be identified for homeless people’ for the period of the 21-day lockdown.

The organisation was concerned about how that would be achieved practically within the 72 hours that followed, before the lockdown began.

The members of the National Homeless Network were keen to provide their expertise in advice and assistance in any way they could.

To this end, as part of the essential planning process, these questions were proposed by the organisation:

Secretary of the National Homeless Network Wayne Renkin confirmed that they await the response from government, however, they are pleased with the engagement which has taken place at different levels in Tswane, Durban and Cape Town.

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