Randburg police appeal for vigilance

RANDBURG – Randburg Police Station Commander Brigadier Michelle Jones appeals for vigilance after a number of victims reported alleged incidents of being robbed of their jewellery when driving into their homes.

Randburg Police Station Commander Brigadier Michelle Jones is appealing to the members of the community to be vigilant at all times when driving into their properties.

The call comes after a number of victims reported alleged incidents of being robbed of their jewellery when driving into their homes.

Jones said that victims claimed that the suspects approached them while about to enter their premises after being followed home. “This might end up in suspects forcing you into the house, which will end up being a house robbery or even victims being hurt.”

She appealed to the community to always observe their surroundings while driving. “If you suspect that you are being followed, call the police immediately. If the situation does not allow for this, drive to the nearest police station for assistance.”

She also warned that when going shopping or for a cup of coffee, residents should not wear expensive jewellery. “Secondly, we appeal to the residents to test their security system all the time. Link your electrical fence to your alarm system.”

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