
Trinityhouse Randpark Ridge welcomes their Grade 1s

RANDPARK RIDGE – Trinityhouse Randpark Ridge Grade 1s are school ready as they eagerly wait to start the new school year.

Trinityhouse Randpark Ridge saw an influx of eager Grade 1 learners ready to begin their journey in ‘big school’. The learners were calm and eager to participate in the classroom, adorned with fresh haircuts, braided hair and tight pigtails they began.

Kathy Douglas, head of Grade 1 at Trinityhouse was happy to welcome the learners to the primary school. Douglas mentioned the number of Grade 1s at the school were between 120 and 125 learners. The Grade 1s were said to be a calm group, all ready for school.

Big smiles at the Grade 1 playground as the newest edition to the preparatory school settle in. Photo: Ofentse Moduka
This is how excited the Trinityhouse Grade 1s are to start learning. Photo: Ofentse Moduka

When the Grade 1s were asked if they were excited to be at school, the Class of 2032 offered an enthusiastic ‘YES!’ After the Class of 2019 has gone off and started their lives after their journeys through school have come to an end, they made way for the new Grade 1s. All the classes were calm an ready to engage with their schoolwork.

Kathy Douglas is the head of Grade 1 at Trinityhouse Randpark Ridge. Photo: Ofentse Moduka
Grade 1 learners at Trinityhouse ring in the new school year. Photo: Ofentse Moduka
Grade 1 learners eager to start the next stage of their education. Photo: Ofentse Moduka

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