Randburg Police Station looks forward to 2020

RANDBURG – The Randburg Police Station would like to wish all Randburg residents a great and safe start to 2020.

Randburg Police Station would like to wish all Randburg residents a great and safe start to 2020.

Randburg police spokesperson Captain Makgowanyana Maja said, “As the management of the station, we would like to thank all of our members who helped us in 2019. It was a tough year but their dedication and commitment to the badge is something truly remarkable.”

He added that the station’s management would like to applaud the work of their detective services who had numerous successes throughout the year.

“The work of our detectives led to more convictions and lengthy sentences imposed on suspects who have been terrorising our community,” said Maja.

For the coming year, the station hopes to combat crime more aggressively than the past year.

Randburg police spokesperson Captain Makgowanyana Maja. Photo: Reuven Blignault.

Maja said, “This is something that we hope to achieve year-on-year. We hope to achieve our goals as our mandate is to protect and serve the citizens of this country, and by working together with the citizens of our community, we can bring down the crime rate by helping each other. By working together we can achieve more.”

Maja added that one of the Randburg police’s main goals for 2020 was to show a stronger policing presence in the Randburg community.

“Crime does not only affect particular kinds of people, it affects all of us. By showing a constant and active presence in every area of our policing precinct and by working together with the community, we can help all citizens feel safer.”

He added that residents who were returning from their holidays needed to stay safe on our roads.

“We hope that all residents had a safe and well-deserved break during the festive season period, and for those that are returning, we hope that you stay safe on our roads and continue your vigilance at home into the new year.”

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