Sixtieth soirée for Blairgowrie Primary

BLAIRGOWRIE – On their 60th year, Blairgowrie Primary School reflects on how far they have come.

To some, growing older is a scary, inevitable process. Instead of embracing the knowledge and memories they’ve acquired through the years, they look at their aged bodies with sadness all while wishing they could go back in time.

To those people, dare we say, take a leaf out of Blairgowrie Primary School’s book? They celebrated their 60th birthday and hosted past learners and current parents to a lovely evening stroll down memory lane as they tucked into an assortment of cheese platters, all while being comfortably situated in the school hall. They did all this because they recognise that getting to 60 was no easy feat and with all the challenges they faced throughout the years, they have managed to still surpass expectation. This was a night to celebrate the many successes the school has achieved, the people who aided in its progress and the hope for many more glorious years.

Teachers of Blairgowrie Primary have a great evening with each other. Photo: Neo Phashe

Pat Oosthuizen, the school’s principal, explained that in the evening they journeyed back in decades and made sure to invite past principals and head boys/girls. “Current parents to the school were invited as a way to say thank you to them,” she said.

The principal of Blairgowrie Primary School Pat Oosthuizen with government officials, Morobi Ledwaba and Khosi Mokgapa. Photo: Neo Phashe

No stone was left unturned when it came to celebrating the history of the school. On the night, guests were treated to laughs by emcee and former learner, Chris Forrest. He opened up the evening and welcomed past principals and learners who shared their fondest and most memorable memories.

St Stithians College serenades guests at the 60th celebration. Photo: Neo Phashe

Oosthuizen said the school has a family ethos and family is always welcomed back home. On that evening she hoped everyone had an air of celebration among them and appreciation of how far the school has come.

Guests tuck into a variety of delectable platters at Blairgowrie Primary School. Photo: Neo Phashe

Oosthuizen’s vision for the next 60 years is to continue to have a school that encompasses happy children, those that will embrace the classroom of the future with modern technology as they move into the 4th and 5th Industrial Revolution.

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