
37 suspects arrested in drug clean-up operation

HONEYDEW – The police are praising the efforts of officers after the 37 arrests in a successful drug clean-up operation.

The Honeydew police are praising the efforts of officers after the arrests of 37 suspects in a successful drug clean-up operation in the Honeydew policing area from 9 October.

Honeydew Police Station spokesperson Captain Balan Muthan said that the special Echo Group of officers have been hard at work planning the operation

A dangerous weapon ans allegedly stolen metal piping taken from one of the arrested suspects. Photo: Supplied

“Arresting 37 suspects is something to be proud of and we wish all police members involved success as the clean-up operation continues.”

Dangerous weapons recovered off the suspects. Photo: Supplied

The majority of arrests were for the possession and dealing of drugs, but officers also discovered various other infringements such as the possession of stolen goods and the possession of dangerous weapons. “This is an operation that started only a few days ago and will run until the end of February. It seeks to crackdown on drugs, in both buying and dealing, and the possession of illegal weapons across the policing area.”

Packets of cannabis taken off one of an alleged dealer. Photo: Supplied

All arrested suspects are expect to appear in the Randburg Magistrates’ Court soon.

Police evidence bags filled with cocaine, heroin and ecstasy. Photo: Supplied

Honeydew Police Station commander Brigadier Anesh Maharaj extended his word of thanks to all the police members who played a part in making the 37 arrests and encouraged them to continue the good work in keeping the crime rate down in the area.

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