Heart attack – the big scare!

JOBURG – Knowing the signs and symptoms of a heart attack might just save your life.

Acting quickly when it comes to a life-threatening condition, like suffering from a heart attack, can save someone’s life.

Netcare 911 has provided the following signs and symptoms of a heart attack so you can get help straight away.

According to Netcare 911, only in recent decades have scientists realised that heart attack symptoms in women can be quite different from those in men. At one stage, they were not conducting studies on women and assumed whatever they found in men would apply to women. However, when researchers started studying women more closely, they realised this was not the case.

Remember, however, that each heart attack is different, so your symptoms may not fit with everything in this description, but it will generally present with more than one symptom.

Symptoms of a heart attack in men:

Symptoms of a heart attack in women:

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