
Police warn public of suspicious behaviour near schools

HONEYDEW – The police station noticed a recent increase in the reporting of this kind of suspicious behaviour, taking place near schools.

After recent media reports of kidnapping and violence against women and children, the Honeydew police are warning the community to be vigilant after suspicious behaviour was recently reported to them around schools in the area.

Honeydew police spokesperson Captain Balan Muthan said they had noticed a recent increase in the reporting of this kind of suspicious behaviour, taking place near schools in the area after school hours when sports events were taking place.

He noted that in two incidents reported to the police in the past week, a blue Opel Astra with a single male occupant was parked outside two schools on separate occasions in the Honeydew area, behaving suspiciously around children.

In another incident with similar circumstances, a man in a white Volkswagen Polo was also reported to the police for behaving suspiciously.

Muthan said, “All we can do at the moment is warn the public to be vigilant in light of tragic incidents across the country. In these situations, a full case cannot be opened as there is very little evidence to go by. We cannot arrest individuals unless there is evidence that they have committed a crime.”

Muthan added that an alert had been published on relevant community groups for community members to be aware of the suspicious activity.

“Rape and human trafficking is a sad reality… children need to be educated at home on the very basics of how to remain safe, such as ‘don’t talk to strangers’ and ‘don’t take candy from strangers’. We do not want a situation such as what happened in the Vaal Triangle last week to happen in our area. If you spot suspicious behaviour, report it to the police immediately,” he concluded.

Details: Honeydew Police Station 011 801 8400.

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