Truthseekers meet to decrypt conspiracies

RANDBURG – The group met to discuss the construction of Denver International Airport in the USA, and how the shapes and symbols surrounding its structure could have links to hidden messages and agendas during its construction.

Roswell, shape-shifting lizards. Conspiracy theories require an imaginative leap of faith into realms that cannot necessarily be tested scientifically.

Do these theories have any substance? This is a question some like-minded individuals, the Truthseekers, are asking.

The Truthseekers’ Ian Dobson said, “We cover a wide variety of subjects including conspiracy theories, UFOs, as well as esoteric topics like exposing the occult, Freemasonry, and other secret societies.

“Things like secret organisations have always been there and have great influence in society without people knowing about it.”

The Truthseekers were established in 1987 and meet on a regular basis to discuss alternative subjects from around the world.

The Truthseekers’ Ian Dobson. Photo: Reuven Blignault.

Their last meeting focused on the construction of Denver International Airport in the USA, and how the shapes and symbols surrounding its structure could have links to hidden messages and agendas during its construction.

Dobson said, “There are rumours that there are things happening there, and evidence of this is shown in the signs and symbols surrounding the airport. There is a suspicion that there are numerous large underground bunkers in the USA, with one underneath the airport that the elite can use to protect themselves in case of a disaster.

The giant blue horse statue erected outside of Denver International Airport that the Truthseekers dub as suspicious. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.

“There is evidence of this that comes from whistle-blowers; people that worked for the government and are exposing their secrets. There is also physical evidence in the sense of building going on that is not related to the airport.

“At the airport, there are four murals that paint a picture of what the future has in store. The Illuminati don’t talk openly like we do with one another, they talk through signs and symbols. This is the essence of what we are going to discuss today.”

The Truthseekers are very closely affiliated with a fellow esoterical group, the Theosophical Society of South Africa that is based in Auckland Park.


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