North Riding roads covered in potholes

NORTH RIDING – Local residents are fed up with the way in which the roads have been neglected for years.

Take a drive down Sunrise Road and Quorn Drive and you will see the sorry state that these roads are in.

Local residents are fed up with the way which the roads have been neglected for years and are at their wits’ end trying to get the problem sorted out.

Concerned resident Mike Lans said, “We have been asking for the past six years to have our potholes fixed, roads resurfaced and verges cleaned. The state of Quorn Drive is so bad that when you come out on a Sunday morning, you will see car parts everywhere from the effect of the potholes.”

Sections where residents have taken it upon themselves to fix the potholes on Quorn Drive at their own expense. Photo: Reuven Blignault

One of the issues the residents have faced in trying to see an improvement in their roads is a miscommunication in the zoning of the area as agricultural.

Lans said, “We are not living in an agricultural area at all. We pay residential rates and taxes, and we expect an infrastructure to justify such.”

Residents have taken their own initiative, at their own cost, to fix serious potholes by using concrete.

A further issue the residents face is the poor lighting in the area, which is a worry for security.

“Three lights in our street have been out for over a year.”

Visable potholes on Quorn Drive. Photo: Reuven Blignault

Recently, on 9 and 10 May, the Johannesburg Roads Agency began fixing a few of the potholes, but only up to Quorn Drive, with no resurfacing of the road. The agency has yet to respond to the Randburg Sun.

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