Urban garden provides a pop of colour

MALANSHOF – The corner of Silver Pine Avenue and Republic Road provides a pop of colour on the roads of Randburg while giving back.

While travelling the streets of Randburg various homes, shopping complexes and buildings rule the space alongside the tarred roads.

These views are accompanied by a sporadic flow of traffic. The corner of Silver Pine Avenue and Republic Road has consistently received tender love and care courtesy of Sasol garage Malanshoff and FootPrints Special Needs School.

The urban garden was first established at the end of last year in order to teach the children to be more independent, while giving back to the surrounding community. The idea was that it would be a place where anyone could go and take vegetables and would be sustained by the community’s continued donations of seeds, time and green thumbs.

Winter creeping in at the urban garden tended to by the FootPrints Special Needs School and Sasol Malanshof located across the road on the corner of Silver Pine Avenue and Republic Road.
Photo: Ofentse Moduka

The corner of greenery was planted with seeds of tomatoes, Hubbard squash, mealies, carrots, beans, butternut and spinach. The garden is maintained by the school in collaboration with the Sasol garage across the road. For readers who have not seen the garden while on their commute, the vegetable garden is a piece of land which is decorated with different plants and grass surrounding colourful tires which will surely grab your attention.

Tyres painted by the FootPrints Special Needs School sit comfortably on the urban garden tended to by the school and Sasol Malanshof located across the road, on the corner of Silver Pine Avenue and Republic Road.
Photo: Ofentse Moduka

Sasol employee Arsalan Shafiq explained that the decision to create the garden was made by a community group. Both Sasol Malanshof and FootPrints worked together to clean and maintain the garden. The pop of colour in the midst of different shades of green is a welcome contrast to the usual views alongside Randburg roads.

Related articles: 

Footprints Prep plants vegetables for the community of Malanshof

Footprints spill the beans on their first community veggie garden

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