The hunt was on for delicious eggs

RANDBURG – Welridge Residents Association hosted an Easter egg hunt for various community members to enjoy.

What do you get when you have a clean and safe greenbelt and a community ready to enjoy it?

Welridge Residents Association has the perfect answer, host an Easter egg hunt for all to enjoy at the Greenbelt off Rooihout Road. Held on 14 April, the association sent out invitations to all community members to enjoy a lovely Sunday afternoon with their families searching for delicious Easter eggs.

Off they go, children make a beeline for the Easter eggs. Photo: Neo Phashe

None were more excited than the children, big and small, who were eager to find as many eggs as possible to fill their baskets. The anticipation at the start line was palpable, as the children stood with bated breath, each one trying to see where their bounty lay waiting for them to claim. Once the officials were ready and the buzzer went off, the children, some accompanied by their parents, made a beeline for the eggs that were hidden all over the grounds. The chirping of birds was soon accompanied by the laughter and cheer of the children as their baskets filled with glorious treats.

A quick dash to the hidden eggs at the Welridge Residents Association Easter egg hunt. Photo: Neo Phashe

The association’s chairperson, Audrey Vrachionidis said the association, which is now its 22nd year, decided this was one of the best ways to thank their loyal members and promote good neighbourly relationships. This day would not only be an occasion the community could revel in but it was also a way to increase membership of the association.

Vrachiondis added that maintaining parks and greenbelts was important so that people could have fun in the outdoor facilities that nature provided. “We like to keep such areas neat from a security point of view and so that people can enjoy it.”

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Your Easter egg hunt checklist

Community Easter egg hunt


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