Operation aims to curb trio crimes in Cosmo

COSMO CITY – The Honeydew police held an operation targeting trio crimes.

COSMO CITY – The Honeydew Police Station conducted an intensive operation to help curb crime in Cosmo City and the surrounding area on 13 March.

According to spokesperson Captain Balan Muthan, a total of 253 people were searched and 554 vehicles were searched to help curb the possibility of trio crimes occurring in the area.

Trio crimes include house robbery, business robbery and vehicle hijacking.

The station is also celebrating the success of the closure of four unlicensed liquor outlets during the operation.

Muthan said, “These operations will be ongoing with the aim to bring down the trio crime in the area. To see that so many vehicles and people were searched and the closure of illegal liquor outlets shows a great success. We applaud the work done by all police members during this operation.”

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