Ferndale spruit gets a clean-up

FERNDALE – The congregation of Golden Harvest Church got their hands dirty for the good of their community.

FERNDALE – Golden Harvest Church members rolled up their sleeves for their community as they spent their Sunday morning cleaning up the Ferndale Spruit.

A congregation of about 200 people, which included children and the elderly, had them all prepared to leave their neighbourhood cleaner than how they found it. Member of the Ferndale Residents Association (FRA), Erica de Jager said the church came forward with the need to do an outreach programme for their community. She explained the church said they were keen to do anything that was needed in the community. “So I said we normally hold a spruit clean-up once a month and they said that was something they could do.”

The clean-up started at about 9.30am and by 10.30am there were about 350 bags of rubbish collected. “This is like a first to have so many people here, the max we have had was 115 people, well done to the church,” said De Jager.

Golden Harvest Church congregation got their hands dirty to clean up their neighbourhood. Photo: Neo Phashe

The organiser of the event, Valerie Mutamba-Mhundwa said they saw this outreach as something they had to do for their community. She said after they approached the FRA on doing something for the community it was established and one of their needs was cleaning up the spruit, they rallied the masses and got proactive. “We just want the community to know us, and for us to know them we also want to be relevant.”

Clean-up organiser Valerie Mutamba-Mhundwa and Ferndale Residents Association member Erica de Jager are proud of the work that went into cleaning the Ferndale Spruit. Photo: Neo Phashe

Church elders Obert Chakarisa and Richmond Magumura shared over the years they looked at ways to be more relevant to the community, and it was important for them to be part of the community groups so they could do more to assist. This is the first of many outreaches the church will do to the delight of the church and the Ferndale community.

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A clean-up for Ferndale Spruit

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