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Impophomo gives away 400 Christmas gifts to youngsters

A new Santa has come to town called, Impophomo

Impophomo Rushing Waters, a non-profit organisation, saved Christmas for countless youngsters in Zandspruit, by giving away 400 Christmas gifts to the crèches in Zandspruit.

About six crèches were brought together where they enjoyed a Christmas play held by the people of Impophomo, teaching them about Jesus Christ.

This year-end Christmas gift initiative has been running for 10 years now.

One of the volunteer’s youngsters helps to hand out Christmass gifts.


‘Mary’ and ‘Joseph’ with baby Jesus.


“Impophomo is a partnership between Northpoint City Church, a business called Umsizi and Momentum Health. But the majority of what has happened here today, has been raised by Northpoint City Church,” said, John-Mark Kilian director of Impophomo, CEO of Umsizi and a pastor of Northpoint City Church.

Companies that were involved donated items such as, books, sweets, toys, soaps and toothbrushes.

“This is usually a sad time for the children in these settlements because they don’t get much, so what we do is we come in and give them joy. Obviously, the most important thing about today is that we did a story about the greatest gift, which is Jesus. The greatest gift anyone has ever received because that is what Christmas is all about, the birth of Jesus Christ,” said Kilian.


Emmanuel Mahlangu, representative of Momentum Health, John-Mark Kilian, director of Impophomo and Keith Naidoo, representatives of Momentum Health.


A youngster is thrilled with her present from Impophomo.


John-Mark Kilian, director of Impophomo holds the microphone as a little one offers up a prayer.



Kilian dressed up as Father Christmas, and the other Impophomo representatives dressed up as Bible characters in the scene of the birth of Jesus Christ. Kilian portrayed the story in front of the youngsters and afterwards, all the volunteers handed out the gifts. Kilian ended the ceremony by allowing the youngsters to say a prayer.


Emmanuel Mahlangu and Keith Naidoo, representatives of Momentum Health.


Impophomo operates wherever there are poverty-stricken communities, not just in Zandspruit. They work with areas where they can do welfare and development.

A representative of Momentum Health, Keith Naidoo said, “I think part of being successful in business is reaching out to those who need you the most, and this is more of a success than any business could be because it’s reaching out and it’s empowering. This is the future generation; these are future leaders sitting right here and if we can deposit or input into their lives, then I think that we are successful.”


Presents for the youngsters.


A young child receives his present.


Emmanuel Mahlangu, part of Momentum’s CSI team said, “We have partnered here with Umsizi and Impophomo to allow children to be children and also to allow them to have fun and to make sure they are in a safe and happy environment.”

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