Honeydew police commemorate World Aids Day

HONEYDEW – Honeydew Police commemorate World Aids Day 5 December.

A ceremony was held at the Honeydew Police Station to commemorate World Aids Day (1 December) and the officers and workers who suffer with and have passed on from the disease, on 5 December.

Members of the police were welcomed to a candle-lighting ceremony and prayers led by a police captain and pastor Absalom, to honour fallen police members who had passed away from the illness.

Police social worker Warrant Officer Lydia Moola and Colonel Zikalala light candles to honour fallen police members in support of World Aids Day.

Honeydew police spokesperson Captain Balan Muthan said, “We celebrated the lives of those members who lost their lives from HIV/Aids.

Honeydew Police Station’s Magdeline Letshwiti gave a speech on prevention to help stop the epidemic from spreading, as well as the various stigmas surrounding the disease.

Honeydew Police members light candles in support of World Aids Day.

Muthan continued, “We need members who are suffering from the disease to be aware that we will be there for them and support them in many ways.”

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