Owner distraught after dog dies from bee stings

RANDPARK RIDGE – Dennilee Harlen shares on the death of her dog Mila who succumbed to injuries from a bee attack and tells of her appreciation to the Good Samaritans who came to her aid.

It was just like any other Sunday afternoon for Mila, the miniature pinscher-cross and her owner, Dennilee Harlen as they enjoyed a spring walk through their local park.

Little did they both know this would be Mila’s last walk to a park she frequented for the past six years.

The lovable pooch knew the park like the back of her paws and while on her walks she loved looking for lizards between rocks and bushes and would try to catch every insect she saw.

So, when Mila ran into a bush it raised little concern for Harlen as this was something she enjoyed doing.

It was only after Harlen saw Mila covered in bees that she knew she needed veterinary help.


Dennilee Harlen and her much-loved Mila enjoy a day at the park.

Harlen said there was nothing about Mila she did not love, from her need to cuddle to her spirit, she was just a joy to be around.

She explained that on that fateful day, Mila and three other dogs ran out of a bush pawing their faces, sitting and scratching, “So I ran to them to see what was going on,” she said, adding that because of the dogs scratching the bees stung her too.

In an attempt to get rid of the bees she ran toward a safe place and attracted passers-by, a couple, to her aid who offered their assistance.

One of them was a doctor and suggested Harlen hurries and takes Mila to the vet as she was still breathing and could possibly be okay.

By this point, Mila had started to vomit.

“She then collapsed and he carried her to my car for me explaining how to get to the closest vet,” she explained.

The passer-by then placed Mila in the car and they later joined Harlen at the vet to check on her.

“I cannot say how appreciative of the couple I am.”

It turned out that Mila was highly allergic to bees and succumbed to the attack.

Harlen asked the vet if there was a test that could be done to find out if dogs are allergic to bees and she was told there is nothing, really.

Randpark Ridge Veterinary Hospital concurred and said to best of their knowledge there are currently no tests that can be done to check for allergies in dogs.

Harlen said she was extremely appreciative of the assistance the couple gave her because, without it, she doesn’t know how she would have coped with it all.


“To be honest I don’t know what I would have done if it wasn’t for that gentleman telling me what to do and assisting. When you are in such a state you just freeze and don’t know what to do.”

To her community, Harlen said to keep helping as much as you can especially if you see a person in a state.

She also pleads with the community to be aware of the animal’s surroundings so you know what to do if anything had to happen. Be prepared for anything she expressed.

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