Pooper scoopers to help dog owners clean up

VANDIA GROVE – Pooper scoopers have been placed in the Bryanston Park to help dog owners clean up after their pets.

Members of the Vandia Gardens Residents Association have started a campaign to help owners who walk their dogs in the Bryanston Park clean up after them in a convenient way.

Chairperson of the Vandia Gardens Residents Association Richard Kushlick said, “One of our committee members, Rosemary Renton, is an avid dog walker who has always been annoyed by the number of times she visits the park to walk her dogs only to find that others who use the park have let their dogs poo all over the place, without cleaning it up.”

Renton then came up with the idea to assist owners in helping to clean up after their dogs by placing four strategically located bins with dispensers and eco-friendly waste bags.


Shamwari, which means ‘friend’ in Shona, sits near a pet waste bin and dispenser in Bryanston Park.


Visitors to the park who walk their dogs now have a convenient way to dispose of their pet’s waste.

Kushlick continued, “I suggested to her that we do this in a consumer-friendly way, and put up signs to inform people about what this project is all about. This sort of initiative helps to make our parks and environment cleaner, and this is definitely something that other community groups and the wider city should consider.”

The initiative was funded solely by the residents association, which in turn is funded by the membership of community members.

ALSO READ: Owner distraught after dog dies from bee stings

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