Randburg Civic Centre’s transformation begins

RANDBURG – A local ward councillor praises the start of renovation work at the Randburg Civic Centre.

Ward 102 councillor David Potter has praised the work of the Johannesburg Property Company (JPC), a City-owned entity, for the work done in upgrading some basic physical and visual aspects of the Randburg Civic Centre.


Newly painted pillars of the City of Johannesburg’s Customer Service Centre at the Randburg Civic Centre.

For Nelson Mandela Day, the Randburg Civic Centre was selected to be upgraded by the property company’s Facilities Management Unit, who painted the walls and pillars of the exterior in bright colours to beautify the area.

According to Potter, “For the past many, many years the Randburg Civic Centre was neglected by the City, and at one stage, about 15 years ago, the building was left to mothball as the City moved their operational offices across the road to a leased building.

“It is only under the current City leadership of the new administration that the Johannesburg Property Company has given increased energy and effort into the building.”


Ward 102 councillor David Potter kneels in front of a pedestrian walkway at the centre that is in the process of being upgraded to provide better accessibility for the elderly and disabled.

The pedestrian walkway at the centre is also in the process of being upgraded to help with accessibility for the elderly and disabled and, according to Potter, should be completed in the next week or so.

Parking bays have been modified and painted and walkways to the parking area have been built – all aiding in a better facility.

The building’s roof is currently undergoing much-needed remedial work at sections of the Randburg Civic Centre.

Potter added, “I would like to give special thanks to Richard and Quentin of the JPC. There is, however, much still needing to be done, subject to budget availability.”

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