Ward councillors share their opinions on #MandelaDay

RANDBURG – Ward councillors share their opinions on the importance of #MandelaDay.

Local ward councillors have weighed-in on their opinions behind the importance of #MandelaDay and what Madiba’s legacy means to the local community.

Ward 102 councillor David Potter said, “The day is important in South Africa and for South Africa’s history. It is a great time for every citizen in the Country to do something and get involved somewhere, in honouring Mandela’s legacy for South Africa.”


Ward 102 councillor David Potter.


Ward 104 councillor Mike Wood said, “It is a day where we can relook at the spirit of Nelson Mandela. He wanted to build a non-racial, non-sexist, and truly South African nation, and I think that we have lost this spirit for a number of reasons.

We need to try our best to regain this spirit, and Mandela Day will underline the goal that he had for a new South Africa, and this day should be used to reflect on what he stood for.”


Ward 104 councillor Mike Wood.

Ward 98 councillor Beverley Weweje added, “Sixty-seven Minutes for Mandela is a small contribution that we all can make in an attempt to honour the legacy of a selfless leader.

Many residents in my community, perform these gestures throughout the year, with selfless hearts. Commemorating this day on the 18th of July reflects a gesture of fighting for a cause as a united community.”

Potter noted that what is critical for him is that community involvement in the day should not be a once-off thing and that the good work being done should last past the ’67 minutes’ on the day.

“It is important that the involvement is lasting and sustainable annually, past just the 18th of July. Whilst it is great to be involved for the day, it is as important to continue the good work between Mandela Days.”

Wood added, “People do amazing work in a number of initiatives during Mandela Day, but I think every day in our country needs to be a Mandela Day, where we can reach out to every single South African to encourage them to be the best citizens they can be.”

ALSO READ: #MandelaDay: Help us collect more books 

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