An appeal to help baby Brayden

WILGEHEWEL – A young family is appealing for help with medical costs after a tragic ordeal with their three month old baby boy.

A young family is appealing for help with medical costs after a tragic ordeal with their three-month-old baby boy.

Distraught parents Kaylee Perucatti and Harry Wiebosch are currently dealing with every parent’s worst nightmare after their baby, Brayden, choked on his food during feeding time.

The newborn baby Brayden Wiebosch wrapped up warm in a blanket. Photo: Supplied.

“I was at a work dinner, and Harry was feeding him. He choked, so Harry patted him on his back and then afterwards his eyes rolled back and he just went limp. Harry performed CPR, and I rushed home. When I got home, I took over the CPR. While we were doing that he had stopped breathing.”

Brayden’s breaths were few and far between.

“We continued CPR until he started trying to breathe but it sounded like he couldn’t because there was still [food] stuck, so we continued and so much came out of his nose. We carried on until the ambulance came.”

Various medical equipment surrounds the baby monitoring his vital statistics. Photo: Supplied.

When paramedics arrived, they said that his heart had stopped for one minute, but thanks to performing CPR on him, the couple saved his life.

Brayden is currently being treated at Life Wilgehewel Hospital.

“This is the most stressful time of my life, and I am on an emotional roller-coaster,” said Perucatti.

Brayden is in ICU in a critical state and has bleeding around and on the brain. He is currently on a ventilator, and neurologists are trying to establish through brain scans whether or not he has brain damage.

To help pay for the treatment, the couple has started an international GoFundMe page to raise money, and through donations already gathered, they have raised approximately R60 000.

Parents Harry Wiebosch and Kaylee Perucatti are currently dealing with every parent’s worst nightmare after their baby Brayden choked on his food during feeding time.

As they are not sure how long baby Brayden will be undergoing treatment, they are appealing to the public for help.

“We beg and plead everyone at this moment in time for your help and prayers. We need as much help as we can get as we are not on medical aid,” said Perucatti.

Details: Kaylee Perucatti 076 373 4291.

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