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Golf club helps councillor’s illegal signage campaign

WINDSOR GLEN – Ward 98 councillor Beverley Weweje has applauded the work that the Randpark Golf Club has done to beautify the area.

Ward 98 councillor, Beverley Weweje has applauded the work done by the Randpark Golf Club to beautify the area and has embarked on a campaign during May to address illegal advertising in the ward.

The aim of the campaign is to create awareness and hold stakeholders accountable for not taking care of the surrounding environment.


Ward 98 councillor Beverley Weweje stands on the Republic Road side of the Randpark Golf Club where illegal signage is being placed on municipal and private property.

Weweje said, “I believe the benefits of a clean suburb and city does not rest on the shoulders of the City alone, but all stakeholders. A clean suburb creates an environment where communities thrive and improve the state of the economy.”

The Randpark Golf Club has used its own resources to trim grass and other flora in the area and commissioned its own employees to remove illegal signage placed on its boundary walls.

Weweje continued, “I would like to thank the club for their continuous efforts in trying to maintain Republic Road up until Judges Avenue, and for their landscaping and removal of illegal signage on the sides of the road.

“I would also like to ask that residents stop posting illegal signage on walls. I have advised the club to open up a case against the people who are constantly littering their private walls with advertising. It is vandalism and it is costing the club time, money and resources.”


The general manager of the Randpark Golf Club, François Swart with ward 98 councillor, Beverley Weweje at the Randpark Golf Club.

The general manager of the Randpark Golf Club, François Swart added, “We are opening up a case of vandalism against the illegal advertisers. The state that our walls are left in every month is truly shocking.”

Swart also acknowledged the work that the Randpark Resident’s Association (RRA) has done in helping to maintain the area.

Swart said, “The RRA also constantly alerts us about these and other environmental cases, which are always a big help.

“As a club, we try our best to uphold a quality image, and the way that it is started is by helping to beautify the surrounding community.”

Weweje continued, “There is a continuous fight to keep our suburb and streets looking good, especially from the illegal posting of adverts on private walls and municipal property.”

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