
Joint police and security operation curbs property crime in Sector 3

MALANSHOF – Linden Police Station conducted a joint housebreaking prevention operation with a private security company.

Linden Police Station, together with a private security company, conducted a housebreaking prevention operation in Sector 3 on 10 May.

The station’s Warrant Officer Robert Diphoko said Malanshof, Robindale, Robin Hills, Fontainebleau, Moret and Ruiterhof fell under this sector. “Currently Sector 3 is the leading sector of property-related crime,” he said.

Diphoko added that about two weeks ago, the sector had two house robberies and six housebreakings, whereas the week after the operation, they only had one house robbery and two break-ins.

He said although there were no arrests made during the operation, the prevention of such crimes was important. During the operation, eight vehicles were used to patrol the area.

Diphoko said more crime prevention operations would take place.

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