JMPD outreach unit targets child safety

RANDBURG – This duo wants children to be safe at all times

Region B has two of the most hardworking members of the Johannesburg Metro Police Department’s Community Outreach Unit.

Ouma Morudi and Thandeka Khanyile have been working together to train and monitor scholar patrols at schools throughout the region so children cross the road safely.

The duo also conducts anti-bullying, peer pressure and stranger danger presentations at schools as well as the dangers of substance abuse in schools.

“As part of our core function, we also have presentations on by-laws and we go to taxi ranks and educate taxi drivers about them. We have a problem with hawkers selling on the road or sidewalks which is against the by-laws,” said Morudi.

The outreach unit has been focusing their attention on schools in the community especially when it comes to road safety. Morudi and Khanyile are trained officers who teach children how to cross the road.

“Children do what their parents do and that includes jay-walking. We have seen an increase in adults being involved in pedestrian accidents, which means they are not crossing the road at the correct points. They use the distance of the vehicle to judge whether it is right to cross the road or not, instead of finding a pedestrian crossing or waiting for the traffic lights to turn green,” said Khanyile.

Although the unit has been targeting schools, they are also trying to reach more adults in the community. They do this through conducting awareness campaigns on weekends when children and parents are available to learn more about road safety and the role of the community outreach unit.

“In some communities, there is no safe place for children to play in like a park, which leads them to play in the streets and they think it’s cool. Instead, we should find safe alternative activities for our children to partake in and avoid having them in the streets. But we can only do this if we can work together with our communities,” said Morudi.

“Parents must play an active role in their children’s safety. We as officers can’t be teaching them one way of doing things and then when the children get home, the parent says another. The children will listen to their parents. At times, parents will tell their children to play outside but they must be clear whereabouts outside the children should be playing.”

If you would like the JMPD Community Outreach Unit to assist, contact: Khanyile on 072 621 9048 or Morudi on 076 720 0871.

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