Residents’ questions answered at the Joshco public meeting

BLAIRGOWRIE – Residents receive more details on the coming social housing development

Concerned residents attended a public meeting at Blairgowrie Recreation Centre to discuss the launch of Joshco Selkirk Social Housing Development.

Hosted by Ward 102 councillor David Potter along with Joshco consultants GIBB and AHA, the aim of the meeting was for the community to ask questions about the low-cost housing project as well as find to out more information about how they would be affected by the project.


Joshco project manager, Sithembiso Ndlovu

According to project manager, Sithembiso Ndlovu, the contractor for the project will be appointed and be on site by the end of June.

“For phase 1 of the project, there will be 145 units built and 376 units will be built for phase 2,” said Ndlovu.

“On our side as Joshco, there is a need for such developments and we have done market research and studies. According to the presentation hosted today, for example, a one-bedroom place, which is between 30 and 33m² in size, will range from about R750 to R 1 500 per month.

“Then, for a two-bedroom place to rent, it’s between R1 500 and R2 500 but all this is subject to change. The Social Housing Regulatory Authority will then be the one to handle the qualification criteria for applicants and will be dependant on how much they earn.”

Two burning questions from the community were who their new neighbours would be and what kind of criteria would be used to screen and select tenants.

Ndlovu answered and said according to their analysis, a lot of domestic workers, call centre agents and hawkers operated in the area and they might be given preference.

“One of Joshco’s criteria is that an applicant needs to be employed somewhere so they can have a direct contract,” he said. “In terms of security, there is currently a clear-view fence around the project and a security guard on site. When we start working at the site, there will be CCTV cameras and a satellite dish that will be linked to our head office.”

Issues raised at the meeting will be taken up with Joscho at a later stage with the help of Potter.

Residents interested in applying for SMME work and local labour work are encouraged to check notice boards at recreation centres and libraries in Ward 102.
ALSO READ: 12 city buildings approved for low-cost housing

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