Fun times for new Grade 8s

RANDPARK – Rand Park High School's Grade 8 newbies were welcomed to the school in a week of fun-filled activities.

Rand Park High School’s Grade 8 newbies were welcomed to the school in a week of fun-filled activities.

School principal, Alan Wilke said, “Our leaders organised an event-filled orientation week for the new Grade 8s who have joined our school this year.

The time spent with these new learners is invaluable as it helps them settle into the Rand Park environment, to make new friends and involve themselves in everything we have on offer at this time of the year.”

Head girl, Robyn Erwee (left) and head boy, Teaghan Stoop (right) hold candles with new Grade 8s during their induction ceremony.

The week kicked-off with a variety of orientation activities to help the newest learners to settle into the new school environment.

The orientation sessions were planned by the young leaders and included games, activities, a swimming gala, learning war-cries, classroom and school facilities tours, establishing new friendships and learning the culture of the school.


A Grade 8 swimmer swims the length of the pool.

The week culminated in the candle-lighting ceremony, which is a symbolic evening event that officially welcomes the new families to the school. The ceremony was attended by parents and staff.

Wilke lit the first candle followed by the leaders of the school, then each Grade 8 lit their own candle to indicate the start of their high school career.

Wilke added, “We look forward to getting to know our new learners and to watching them progress during the next five years.”

New Grade 8s practice the school’s warcry.

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