Hard work pays off for new police captain

HONEYDEW – A warrant officer at Honeydew Police Station has been promoted.

Warrant Officer Karen Jacobs will now be addressed as captain after she was recently promoted.

Jacobs has a long history with Honeydew Police Station and worked at the client service centre in 1994. She then worked alongside the Crime Prevention Unit’s detectives for a number of years until the captains post was made available.

“I like working and serving the community. I want to see where we can do crime awareness and prevention. I love to work with the community and make a difference. That is why I’m still an officer,” said Jacobs.

She applied for the post and was shortlisted along with many other candidates. After an interview, the selected candidates’ name were sent to the Gauteng Provincial police and then to the South African Police Service head offices for approval.

“I am very privileged and thankful for being promoted although I did not expect it. I am excited about the future. I will try better what I did that led to my rise in the ranks. By doing more awareness campaigns and working with the community and my colleagues to make Honeydew a safer place.”

With 25 years of experience, Jacobs has had plenty of ups and downs but she has not let this get in her way of serving the community.

“One has to make their work the best they can. If you are not positive then you will not succeed in what you want to do. I try to be as positive as I can and to see the bigger goal. I try to set myself goals and that is how I remain driven.”

Another issue that is close to her heart is women succeeding in a male-dominated environment such as the police.

“It is important to have more women in police. If you are open-minded, you must be able to prove yourself and whatever a man can do, I can do.

“There is not sexism or things like that but if you set your mind to it, you can accomplish plenty.

My goal is to work closely the with community and other stakeholders within the Honeydew cluster such as security companies and community policing forums. Along with my colleagues, I want to try and get the crime to drop and make the community aware of crime.”

The station’s spokesperson, Captain Balan Muthan said the Honeydew cluster was proud of Jacobs and her promotion and added that they wish nothing but the best for her in her new role with more responsibility.

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