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Hole full of empty promises in Malanshof

MALANSHOF – Residents of Beech Grove share their frustrations over how Joburg Water did not deliver.

Residents of Beech Grove are tired of Joburg Water’s alleged empty promises.

It is now the fifth month that residents have had to live around a big hole filled with water.

One of the complex’s tenants, Jacques Clifford said a water leak started in June.

“Constant seepage was detectable, especially in the area around the gate,” Clifford said. He added that one resident had to waterproof and repaint his garage while waiting for the issue to be attended to.

“However, the water kept coming through when you walked into our complex. It literally seeped through the bricks – that is how bad it is.”

He said Joburg Water was informed about the issue in June and after a follow-up, said they had been on site and the problem had been resolved.

After much pressure from the complex’s body corporate, Joburg Water said they would escalate the issue.

“Two months later, following many phone calls and tweets, they came out again, opened the area around the gate and found leaks.”

Clifford said they then returned on 18 September to inspect the site but did nothing further.

“This is the fifth month since the leak was detected and the water is really starting to cause damage to the buildings, not to mention the amount of water that is being wasted.”


A hole full of water at a Malanshof complex.

Joburg Water communications manager, Isaac Dhludhlu, said this was a difficult leak to find but they eventually found it 100m away from the complex. “This area has a particularly high water table and when a leak occurs it does not always present at the spot where the pipe is leaking,” Dhludhlu said.

He said that at the site you can see spots where excavations were done in an effort to find the leak and this process takes a long time.

Dhludhlu said the pipes in the area have been replaced in the last two years and there is no need to do it again. “This leak is joined to a connection which has been replaced and is not leaking anymore.”

He said due to the groundwater situation, they will leave the excavation open for a few days to ensure they do not have any further leaks.

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